Originally posted on 01/12/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
What are the peoples' course of action for change in a democracy? Voting. What is their course of action if that has been at least perceived to be taken away?
At the very least these claims should have been indulged with some investigations after the last 4 years of Democrat BS.
If you took your head out of Trumps ass, you would be able to see clearly. Do you know how many bogus claims the Trump team submitted and all were thrown out? They tried their best to cause confusion because they knew there was no mass voter fraud. Look at Georgia. It was a close election. They counted, recounted then counted again. Wake up. People loved Trump but a lot more people hated him and they went out in droves. Some counties in GA were so malicious by Republican rules that people had to wait 10 hours to vote Trump out. Tens of thousands of people quietly sat, slept in the cold, rain and cast their vote. Who would do that? People who hated that man with a passion. Then when their was a runoff, Trump ran his big mouth and even more people went out and voted for the 2 Dems. They don't give a shit about those Dems, they just hate Trump. The 2 Republicans had more votes initially but once Trump went there, he riled up the silent majority who CANNOT STAND HIS FAT ASS.

Dlow - I know you are smart. The Republicans did very well in this elections. The only person who got their ass kicked was Trump. I know people who didn't even vote for local officials. They went in the booth, voted for Biden and left. They could not imagine another 4 years of Trump.