Originally posted on 09/22/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by toddsclowns View Post
Cheers Steve, I’ll nominate that as well, think I gotta wait 13 mins. Kudos to you for being open minded, I struggle with that at times. There is a very logical middle ground, which you’ve seem to found. I just wish the rest of our media could put their egos aside long enough to follow suit.
Appreciate the words.

The same applies to politics.
I'm a registered Republican, but I have crossed party lines numerous times and voted Indie or Democrat on the state and local level.

A lot of Democrats and Republican voters vote straight up and down the party line.
I don't get it like they think they have to or something.

If the Democrats have a candidate in a local election here and have points of views that line up with mine, or who I think is a better all around person for the job than I'll cross party lines and swing that way.

That's a big part of the problem with America these days, and a big part of the reason why a lot of sports bettors fail.
They are fixated on just their side and forget that their or two sides to every bet and maybe, just maybe, their side isn't the best bet.

But I digress, carry on.