Originally posted on 09/19/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
Bottom line -

Trump is still President for a guaranteed 2 months.. He has every right to do his job and fill that seat now while he's the standing President.. The Senate has that same duty as well..

You can't have only 8 supreme judges as you need 9 so you don't have a spit vote, especially when this up coming Presidential election is probably gonna be in legal dispute with voting fraud and what not one way or the other.

You need a fully commissioned Supreme Court panel of 9 as written in the Constitution!!


On a lighter note -

Wrong, the court can function with only 8 judges. They did for almost a year during the Merrick Garland fiasco. If there happens to be a tie vote 4-4, the rulling automatically reverses back to the lower court ruling...Your talking like a low information ignorant Douchebag Don voter..