Originally posted on 08/22/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by guitarjosh View Post
Name 3 specific policies that Trump should have implemented that would have made a substantial difference in our outcome.
Sure, I can name a fuk’in hundred, how much time you got?

1. Should have implemented international restrictions on air travel immediately!
Not fuk’in weeks after we and the rest of the world knew Wuhan was the virus origin!

2. Should have secured and had ready, enough PPE for our doctors, healthcare workers, EMT’s, etc.
Instead, this dumb asshole disbanded our pandemic response team, had no fuk’in plan whatsoever on how to acquire the life saving equipment they desperately needed, costing the lives of over a 1000 healthcare workers, who were doing their job and ended up dead!

3. Should have immediately initiated a quarantine of all nursing homes and high risk individuals with health conditions.
Instead, orange dip shit did nothing, didn’t heed the warnings from European countries, and this shit exploded like wild fire.

4. Should have shown one fuk’in ounce of leadership and required a mandate for wearing a mask in all states.
This one simple act alone would have saved thousands of lives.
Instead, big fat fuk ego wouldn’t even wear one at a mask production facility!
And only started wearing one after idiots in his inner circle, became infected with covid!

Here, I’ll give you one more, GJ and then you can go practice some scales, cause you probably suck at guitar if you’re dumb enough to believe this jack wad has any leadership capabilities.

5. And finally. This is not so much a policy as it is a referendum on how much we’ve lost as a country because of the inapt, callous, pompous ass lying wind bag that is trump.

Thousands of small businesses have closed their doors, they’re not coming back.
Trump’s cronies and big fuk’in multi million dollar corporations got millions in covid relief funds (including super rich whacko fuk Kanye west), while small businesses got reamed up the ass.

Younger people who once thought they were “invincible” are now the super spreaders. The lack of response and false information spread by trump and right wing media proliferated this false sense of “hey it’s just the flu”, and “it’ll go away in April” and “the heat kills it” all statements made by trump.

Well here we are in the fuk’in heat of August and this shit ain’t going anywhere. Thousands are still dying, we’re all wearing masks, we’ll except for that idiot Donk, and millions are out of work.

I’ll leave you with this. When the Ebola virus outbreak started in west Africa. President Obama immediately allied with other countries and the World Health Organization in a global response to find a cure and most importantly stop it from spreading. And because he did, Ebola never made it to our shores.

He listened to the educated and experienced professionals and knew how serious and deadly Ebola would be if it became a global pandemic outbreak. He cared enough and took action not just for the United States but the entire human race as a whole.

He never once in his entire presidency, came off with the arrogant remark of “It is what it is”, when dealing with the death of any individual.

If you think trump gives a shit about everyday working class Americans, you are sadly mistaken.

You can vote for continued stupidity or you can vote for caring common sense that will get us out of this mess.