Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=29586814'>posted</a> on 07/24/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by BOA12 View Post
Every Police Report Is Creative Writing 2.
Exactly. They would've gotten away with killing George Floyd if not for the indisputable video evidence, which is the point.

Dweitbart and company were waiting for any pinhole of light to worm their way through and say that the cops were justified and Floyd deserved it, but it never happened. What we're witnessing now is the culmination of them having to sit and stew for 2 months watching public sentiment land firmly on the side of the just cause that's being protested.

They can lie about cities being destroyed, decry calls for defunding broken beyond repair corrupt and racist police departments, and try to blame Obama, but they're on the wrong side of history once again and everybody knows it.