Originally posted on 07/24/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by big joe 1212 View Post
If they played the inning and the inning ended because of pitch count, it's a completed inning.
Exactly, 100%. And this is exactly that happened.
Quote Originally Posted by big joe 1212 View Post
Good luck with their horrible customer service! They will give you a blah blah blah answer, "stands as graded" with no further explanation.
Once again, you hit the nail on the head. Just word vomit from a low level rep talking down to me like I'm a 40 IQ degenerate who can't take a loss while I know the rules inside and out and had a full air tight case while the reps I talk to surely have no idea of what actually occurred. Would not connect me to a higher up, would not provide any number to call.. Just as infuriating as the revocation itself.