Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=29496189'>posted</a> on 06/08/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by milwaukee mike View Post
how can anyone with a straight face explain to me how michael's/at home/etc are worth twice as much now as before the pandemic
When we play monopoly, we all start with the same amount of cash. When we land on a property an auction can be intiated for a property. We bid and someone buys it for whatever..

Now, before you get around the board again, the bankers hand everyone another stack of cash, a stimulus. When you get around the board and land on the property next to it, sure there's value to the guy who bought the first property, he might jack the price a bit in auction, but that's not as relevant...lol.

The point is that everyone has a lot more money for this next auction and everyone can bid a little higher.

These are auction markets and I've posted a few times how stimulus and the thought of stimulus are propping shit up. The example isn't direct as the money didn't necessarily enter the hands of instituional traders (they have money and access to more), but it did enter the economy, making the value of the dollar a little less. Just like that second round in monopoly.

When reality hits, we'll see. I'm sure the speculators who drove it up will profit when reality hits, but it doesn't mean it has to fall all that much.

There is just more money out there, so everything along the chain will cost more. You'd think it would eat into corporate profits, but prices can just go up for the consumer, mitigating that problem.

Until they can't anymore.

My face couldn't be straighter.