Originally posted on 04/26/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by Thrilla View Post
Explain yourself Shruter! Are you betraying your own base? Your own people? What's this Michael Moore and good crap? Hey!!

No one is right about everything all the time and no one is wrong about everything all the time. Not even me.

I have no base. My people are usually reasonable people. Not always but usually. I look at things objectively and judge them accordingly. My feelings fall on one side of the political spectrum or the other based on what makes sense to me. Always have been. I have changed my stance, flip flopped or evolved on many subjects over the years. I suspect most of us have. No?

Michael Moore. He's obviously a far Left guy. I rarely agree with him on anything. Not by choice or any predetermined agenda, but by what makes sense to me or what doesn't make sense. Also, he usually does have an agenda which I can see pretty easily. This movie shows that even he can face a reality that goes against his base. Heck, he even predicted Trump would win in 2016.

The end of the movie, you can see Moore's Leftist spin on it when he was condemning capitalism. I know that greed isn't exclusive to capitalism. Moore has benefited greatly from capitalism. Governments are just as greedy. I will argue, even more. Which is even worse because they are the ones working for the people and are supposed to protect the country from these scumbags. Not get in bed with them.

Its all about money and power. Always has been. Always will be.