Originally posted on 03/30/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
I am not giving up on you just yet. You showed that you can have a good old debate in the past. Not as of late but its there.

You and me both knew what Trump's style was all his life. He always boasted about things and exaggerated a lot. You can't be too surprised that he does it still. The guy has a great sense of humour, hard worker, loves his country and is a fighter. Much like me. That is why he appeals to me and millions of other. You can act like CNN and make up all the narratives about this and about me but it doesn't change the facts. No one is perfect and Trump loves his country and is doing a great job.
I fully agree he's always been that way (exaggerate / boastful even funny at times) - however, we part ways with the other parts. Saying you love the country yet only trying to affect change (trade with China) once elected, shows he'd rather capitalize on a broken system that hurts workers until it actually benefits him (politically).

Lying about 9/11 stuff (how much he donated, how many funerals he attended). Cashing in on a scam "university" and using charity money to benefit himself (not to mention lying about how much the charity actually gave out). Spending years pandering to the racists with his supposed inside info about the past POTUS place of birth, only to claim he put it to rest. He had no problem employing undocumented people at his favorite resorts, until it potentially could harm him politically.

There are lines. Mocking the disabled reporter (yeah, I know you don't believe he did). Disparaging a war vets service (yeah I know others did), attacking a gold star parent etc. These are things he only did because he already had enough of a base of people who look at everything purely as a "he's our guy, so it's still winning"

History will remember him as an opportunist who was elected through a coalition of those sick of the current system combined with the racists, bigots, and one issue ideologues who looked at him as piece of political putty.

It'll also remember the big picture - that from early on until his death he was bereft of morals, tissue thin patriotism, and an opportunistic weather vane who would become a pro-choice, anti-gun, wide open borders advocate if he thought it meant he could continue filling the Trump family pockets through the never ending grift.

I'll just remember him as a piece of shit.