Originally posted on 01/07/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by newton0038 View Post

Prop with screwy rules attached to it . Should just be number of cards period without any "interpretation of rules" needed.

My bad reading the score sheet from top to bottom not bottom to top.( I read left to right , top to bottom) I was giving de Jong an extra yellow when he wasnt on pitch.

5 cards
Obviously it is kind of confusing as so many even here are unsure, but honestly it seems to me it is just people not reading carefully enough.

Here is why you can be sure a 6 count is not possible here; (courtesy of Lonnie above)

Which of these two card scenarios is more likely to occur?

Yellow + Yellow = Red
Yellow + Red

If a Y+Y=R counted as 1 point + 1 point + 2 points = 4 points,

And Y+R counted as 1 point + 2 points = 3 points

Then the less likely outcome would be attracting more card points.

It would not work math wise and smart bettors would be looking to exploit it.