Originally posted on 07/11/2019:

very unfair assumption Josh.

personally although I never mentioned it I think it is vitally important for a child to be brought up and taught about "god" in some form or another. I believe we are all born with what some people call a "god gene" and a child needs to believe in a higher power who looks out for him and wants he/she to live a moral life. Most people know how much I stress the importance of education, but I also believe a child needs to believe someone/somewhere/somehow cares about them along with his/her family and loved ones.

I am very surprised that you of all people would make such a crazy assumption concerning "liberals" especially in light of the completely hedonistic and irreligious individual who now occupies the white house. you of all people, one of the very few on the right, I had some small hopes for concerning an ability to rationalize and think. producing not in evidence comments is the type of thinking I expect from Dwightie and others.

I think parents who allow their young child to "think for him/her self concerning this topic are making a huge mistake. Time enough for that individual to make a educated choice when he/she reaches the age of reason.

However, don't get me wrong I also believe that most organized religion causes more problems than it solves. Faith, hope and spirituality are wonderful qualities, organized religion in most cases is anything but religious. I would be so very happy if just a few of you crazies on the right would think and research before you react and conclude based on faulty reasonsing.