Originally posted on 07/10/2019:

Simply going back to Clinton Tax rate isnt taking from them. When you make billions its your patriotic duty to take care of the greatest country in the world. Especially when you inherited it and didnt earn it. ( Like Trump ). Lots of millionaires and billionaires know they should pay more. Look it up.
Clinton Tax rate was the last time this country ran a balanced sheet. Keep jerking off to the corporations that control your party. Who is going to pay that deficit ?

Im Pretending to care about troops ? Fuq you. If you said that to my face I would put you in the hospital.
Are you that dumb ? On a chat forum you think you know anything about me and what I care about?
I used to just disagree with you because you are a corporate clown who doesnt care about whats good for the country. Now I disagree with you because you are snot nosed ungrateful tool that jokes about war. Do you know any Iraq vets that are home with PTSD ? Ask them how they feel about the GOP.

YOU ( Like Trump ) show your ignorance by accident. You are so far out of touch with regular people. You probably were handed everything your whole life. People that have to fight for what they have have a much better understanding of the world. You are clueless.