Originally posted on 06/28/2019:

Wear your pink eyeshadow and ball gag on Fremont street you fuk’in jerk wad, you’re sure to find the fudge pack’in ass reaming you so desperately seek!

Get your nuts caught in a zip line and save that sex change operation money for gambling!

Stop in Madame Tussaud’s wax museum and ass fuk the Trump figure, boast to everybody about how you and trump hung out!

Make a fake ass tourism video like dblow dick face willy, not show your face and just tell everybody you went. Yeah, it’s already been done, but we’re always up more dumb fuk phony shit.

Most of all jtshit bag, after you lose your ass based on your shitty gambling skills, find the underground tunnels that snake through Vegas, crawl down in one of them and make it your new home.