Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=28729106'>posted</a> on 06/28/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
All I could find is that she dated Willie Brown for a year in the mid-90's and in 2014 she married a lawyer. What am I missing? Who did she boink to become senator?
It’s odd that you would ask Dwight actual questions and think he would have a factual answers. He’s is fake news all the time. That’s what he does. Where he goes for news are all bullshit sites or Facebook memes that he steals. Guy is a complete and total fraud. I mean, it’s pretty clear that Harris is capable and extremely more qualified than the current clown in office.

“It doesn’t matter if my memes are false” Dwight