Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=28711035'>posted</a> on 06/20/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by Big Bear View Post

So I was tired AF Tuesday night and went to bed at like 10pm. I wake up wednesday morning to see a text from about midnight saying “You up??” “Wanna hang out”

And ofcourse there was no heads up etc or I would have stayed up.

I wrote back yesterday morning saying Lets try tonight, I’ll be up late

No response lol

So now my sleep cycle really going to be messed up b/c I’m going to make sure I stay up til midnight every night until I’m awake for the next message

i could just about guarantee if I initiated the you up? Wanna hang out? Text I’d either get no response or some BS

Women are like cats they come and go and they please only thing I can do is be patient and not be like every other dude and over pursue
Women in 2019 are truly entitled to free dick whenever they want to indulge themselves. While men have to pay for it indirectly or in desperate cases directly. We also have to wait on it & pursue it @ times. Moral of the story here is DICK is a “free available commodity” to women in our new world.