Originally posted on 06/20/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by L8night View Post
I'm the kind that likes breathing and drinking clean water.
I'm not a big fan of corporate lobbyist running agencies.
I'm not a big fan of elected officials blatantly lining there pockets.
I could go on, but I'm sure you get where I am coming from.

I'm just a guy that loves his country and I guess I don't see the rosy picture that you and others see...
I'll say this.

Trump might not have run for President in 2016 if the IRS hadn't audited him years in a row. If the left hadn't targeted and attacked Trump for being a right wing billionaire, he could be too grabbing pussies and running his businesses to care about politics. The left forced Trump into running for President costing themselves critical ground in the process.

I'm nowhere near as cool or successful as Trump, but to a degree, I'm the same. I could be too busy chasing women and making $$ to care much about politics, if the left hadn't targeted me as well. They do things to make life harder for me, and so I do the same unto them.

The left has a habit of targeting and alienating people. Making enemies in places where there would never have been a problem if only they hadn't been so overbearing and oppressive. They want to control everyone but can they even control themselves.

I think everyone will feel this, if they haven't already.