Originally posted on 05/26/2019:

I’ve probably (most certainly) embellished where I stand on the issue

My stance is easy, the ones I wanna fukk I treat like I wanna fukk them, the ones I don’t, Im just nice to them. In general my first rule in life is “dont be a dick to anyone”, and its always served me well. I’ve never had any issues with my approach.

But at some point, men turned to reddit to learn how to act around women and got turned on to this concept of being an alpha male First, if you gotta read reddit to learn how to act around women, you’re never gonna be that guy that women gravitate towards. But for some reason guys think 50 shades of gray and porn are tutorials, yet the still cant talk to women, make them laugh, make them feel comfortable.

True story, I was fukking an ER nurse back in okc. She happened to be married and her husband worked night shift, so after work Id go over there. One night there was a book on the nightstand about how to be an alpha male, her husband had bought it This was the first I’d ever heard the term or thought of the concept. I still laugh at the irony that I had a threesome with his wife and her bf while he was sitting around reading how to be an alpha

But what do I know, I’m no alpha, havent read the book