Originally posted on 02/06/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by Otters27 View Post
Well it cant be done because the persons in power will eventually become corrupt. And someone will always ruin it by being lazy. Plus human instinct is competition since back in the cave man days guys had to compete to mate with the most attractive woman to reproduce the best chance of survival. Can't change contitioning. Thats why socialism doesn't work
Nothing you said is actually true, they’re simply constructs you’ve come to believe.

I always find it interesting when people use cavemen or some other arbitrary animal as examples of an apparently unchangeable human nature. Our ancestors competed for mating, therefore we must as well, it’s in our dna.
Some people go as far ad modeling their diets after what cavemen ate because they actually believe our bodies function better when eating a “caveman diet”

People believe anything, hence the reason we have a caveman in the white house