Originally posted on 01/22/2019:

While I don't have the time to do it. I do respect posters for keeping an eye on things.

In my opinion, we all have some responsibility to try and keep things on the level here. While I do not always agree with SBR and the rules (i.e. that Canadians can no longer purchase stuff in the store), I do agree and support their ability to make the rules.

I imagine SBR is making some good money but I do not imagine they are raking it in hand over fist. They have a business that employs a number of people and gives value to all of us for little to no cost to us. Therefore I see it as a responsibility of all to just play fair and try to ensure all posters adhere to the spirit of the rules in place.

If everybody just turned a blind eye and did the same that Bobby does, then this site would not last long and the community would not get any value.

Bobby has loved being the villian and the poor victim ever since he has been here. He has proudly angle-shot tried to find every loophole possible to scam points (and therefore money) from SBR and posters. All the while antagonizing and trying to be an all around jerk to people who disagree with him.

Any repercussions Bobby faces for his actions, he deserves and someday he might learn to be a reasonable and pleasant person.