Originally posted on 08/31/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
Not a doctor, but stayed at a holiday inn once. (porking)

What they are treating him for doesn't match his symptoms. Fever doesn't accompany the disease.
Bigday is an outdoor guy. Sounds like a tick. Fever and loss of mobility are symptoms of a tick until it's removed
and then he will recover. Allergies to tick saliva have been documented.

I got sick with a fever after removing an embedded tick that didn't come the whole way out. Squeezed his guts into my
blood stream and left the head in.

Get well Bigday!
Not to be confrontational but I am sensitive to these types of things as I know chicka reads the forum, so Im gonna chime in briefly on your post Rk....

It's not as simple as you think or are making it, they're treating him for multiple things and he has multiple diagnoses at this point. Maybe it was a tick bite and maybe it wasn't but honestly at this point, it doesn't matter as much as you might think because the damage (reversible) is done. It seems that whatever caused this has settled down and now it's about everything recovering. As for a few diagnoses or things they're trying to treat there is the original infection, the neurological symptoms such as guillan barre, then there is the viral cardiomyopathy (his heart is only pumping out 1/3 of the blood it should be), kidney failure, liver insufficiency, pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, fever of unknown origin, hypoxia, multiple organ failure or MODS (multiple organ dysfunction syndrome), and that's just the few things I've picked up on through Chickas updates. The level of complexity and severity here is so high it's hard to put into words. Everyone of those things has to be treated, and the way they treat each one affects the other and so on

Im not religious and Im praying for him.

Trust me, he's got Cardiologists, Pulmonologists, Critical Care Docs, Infections Disease docs, Neurologists, etc...... They're not treating him wrong and they're not misdiagnosing him

And from the tiny bits and pieces Im getting and can put together, it all makes sense and they seem to be doing things the exact same way I've seen dozens of times before.

Trust his medical team, they're there with him.