Originally posted on 07/24/2018:

Well I am drinking today (NON BEER) and since no one else is providing content, I AM HERE TO DO THAT ANDDDDDDDDDD HELP YOU this football season (the average guy throwing a few bucks on games).

1. Best line matters (FALSE): Sure we could all live in wonderland and act like we are funded across every site, but we are NOT. You do not have access to that +150 line when everyone else is on +140, so give me a fukkin break. And lets say you do sign up just for that, well you will need to provide all kinds of documentation which causes delays, emails, phone calls, scans, etc. and you probably will lose that money before you withdraw. Just bet where you are cleared and have easy withdrawals set up. I see it too many times a poster signs up, wins, then payment is delayed, delayed delayed, then they blow their fukkin money. Yea that fukkin extra $5 on the better line really helped you, helped you lose your cash BRO

2. Bet 1-5% of your bankroll (FALSE): We are average bettors, why in the absolute fukk would we want to go into the LONG RUN. Books and casinos make money OVER THE LONG RUN. The goal is to take shots here and there, NOT SLOWLY DRAIN MONEY. You are not FLOYD fukkin MAYWEATHER and can just jab all the time. NO, take your fukkin KNOCKOUT shot. PERIOD. Sometimes 50%-100% of your bankroll is NECESSARY

3. Bet a lot of games and spread it out (FALSE): You don't have a fukkin model girlfriend so ofcourse you do not have a model for games. You cannot quantify your edge over and over repeatedly over every fukkin game offered. Just as 2. above, take your fukkin shot when you get a chance