Originally posted on 05/04/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
Undy i like the kid. If you don t just stay out of his threads. No reason to be so abrassive.....unless he called you out. I haven t seen that.So what if he is an attention seeker.It s not like we haven t had our share of those. Hey at least he makes picks unlike some that just troll people when they lose.Not saying you but there are a few.It seems like all rudy s cronies have been given this guy shit.For what it is worth rudy has run his mouth to me more than once and i didn t even know who he was at the time. If ever a guy needed snatched it would be rudy. Now i try to keep peace with rudy but every once in awhile he goes off the reservation.
You must have missed the name of the thread and his first post. If you want to be stupid go ahead bht this bitch made a thread calling people out because he thought he was a badass. I have seen hundreds of his clown ass over the years and if you love him because he is kissing your ass in your thread fine but stay the fuk out of my business.