Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=27702150'>posted</a> on 04/06/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by hotcross View Post
no no no
The dam rule was intended to say LOSE ENTIRE CHALLENGE BY FORFEIT....and Hurry knows this, too

What you guys think, for example in a post (hypothetical) there are three picks listed, along with edit, and you just count a one unit loss??? no its not arbitrary like that
It would more losses of course. But let's face it they shouldn't even have to deal with the issue, there should no edits.

If they don't just set up a 1 on 1 contest with the SBR contests page and just suck up to dealing with the betting options there, then obviously nobody is serious.

I don't believe short term contests prove shit, but I have no problem with others challenging each other for fun or bet points or whatever.