Originally posted on 04/05/2018:

Always some dumb ass who thinks cause it's snowing in a northern state in April, that global warming is a joke. It's the polar ice caps that are melting! Yeah, keep laughing, just hope your ass doesn't live in coastal city, cause you'll be the first ones underwater.

Yep, sure is funny how all these storms seem to get stronger and more devastating. Hurricane Sandy ring a bell? Inflicting $65 billion in damages and affecting 24 states, and it was just a mere category 3 storm. Slamming into the northern east coast and flooding cites that never had hurricanes reach that far.

Oceans increasingly warming, sea levels that keep rising, are already causing dramatic weather changes, doesn't matter what season it is.
So keep burning coal, fossil fuels and other industrialized pollution, cause when our Earth's ozone layer is gone and the polar ice caps along with it, snow at a fuk'in ball park will be the least of your worries. Got a radiation suit handy? You're gonna need it.