Originally posted on 03/07/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by Arky View Post
I have a several coins with poor entry points. Wait 'em out is my policy. Have faith that what goes down must go up (eventually - 6 months? 1 year?)..... Selling off at the bottom is worst thing to do, IMO. Maybe one day when the coin is back in the black, you can agonize over whether to get your money back or keep hodling for a bigger profit.... ;-)
Arky, I have a tendency that is the same as you, holding on to losers waiting for a better time. But there are 2 reasons that we shouldn't do this. First, we could use the money we get from selling these and switching to another investment that has better upward potential in the near future. Second, we could book tax losses to be used to offset gains we make on other investments. Food for thought.