Originally posted on 03/06/2018:

chico EVERY company has a real Ultimate Beneficial Owner, a human(s). Company A may own company B which owns company C and so on. But a human(s) owns company A and therefore B and C. Trust me. You can't get a bank account any where in the world without disclosing who the UBO is. Those loop holes were closed a generation ago. A jointly held corp, MLP or even partnership is no different.

hicks it's no ones business what the CEO makes except the owners. Certainly NOT the govs. I wouldn't pay Clooney $40 million for a two week movie shoot but studios do.

Wouldn't matter if stocks were owned by .00001%. You can buy a share of Walmart for less than it cost to be an SBR Pro. People can do whatever they want with their money. The important stat is businesses employ us. You jerk them around you hurt the people that work there. Look at your list; we lose billions of tax revenue on Apple's offshore structure, Kraft built in Costa Rica, GE mostly China and Mexico, Ford and GM Mexico.

A more meaningful movement would be Occupy our government hacks that kill off our businesses, our employers.

The US should attract business like crazy. Businesses should be fighting for employees, bidding up wages and setting up job fairs outside of high schools on graduation days and starting their own apprentice programs.