Originally posted on 03/01/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
Why arm teachers when you can have armed security guards? Teachers are 1 step away from the damn criminals. Teachers are sexually assaulting kids, going to jail on drugs, physical assaults and you want them packing heat? Hell no. Teachers should learn how to teach. Most of them can barely do that well. Spend money on better teachers that can teach and spend money on sworn officers that can protect. Guards/officers should learn how to engage and diffuse a situation. I think most schools should have a set number of officers on hand per 100 students. I don't want my teachers spending a couple hours a year on training when we can train officers hundreds of hours a year. Why are we being cheap on this? Hire more officers.

I also think we need more technology like video cameras. I have cameras all over the damn place. NO ONE comes down my street without me knowing it. Schools should have cameras all over the streets leading up to the school. There's facial technology and license plate technology that can easily identify a known student versus a stranger. Paid security to monitor each entrance with back up camera's on cars and people coming into said entrance. How about a drone or robot that can enter shooting zones and access the situation, instead of sending officers and/or teachers into a firefight? This is an easy fix but you're going to have to pay for a few more officers.
Have you ever thought of running for President??? Bloody hell this is one of the most logical things I've read about this issue so far along with Cuse's point about needing training professionals. As soon as this story hit the news here today I thought well yep, it didn't take long... here we go. Whatever the best solution is, arming teachers is not it.