Originally posted on 01/31/2018:

When leftist losers are posting from William Kristol, the Northeast liberal Trotskyite, globalist, and Zionist neo-con lunatic who along with other neo-con Jews like David Frum, Fred and Robert Kagan, Wolfowitz, and the rest of the Project For A New American Century maniacs who orchestrated the Bush II (W) disastrous foreign policy that has killed millions, destabilized the whole Middle East, and is still claiming lives to this day........well, you know these progressive idiots are on their last legs. Nice to see Kristol and Frum on liberal internationalist supporting shows (Frum is now on some ultra-left Canadian "news" outlet) which is where they always belonged, trying to stay relevant as paid mouthpieces since nobody cares what they have to say anymore, their publications are in the toilet, and they thankfully have no more influence in Washington DC other then a few Israeli sympathetic intelligence people who still lick their boots.

Kristol was NEVER a conservative, and real Republicans, Christians, and Americans never considered him as nothing more than the Ivy League pampered spoiled brat Jewish kid of his New York socialist dad who along with the others in his dad's New York high society elitist "intellectuals" were all Trotsky (or should I say Bronstein) worshipers.

What happened to all the leftist vitriol that they had for Bush II (W) when these neo-con clowns were invading Iraq under phony intelligence and &$#@ing things up? Now, all of a sudden, these neo-cons are "rational voices" worth listening too? A decade ago, leftists were calling them dangerous and bad for America, but now, since the Trump clan and real Republicans finally kicked them to the curb, they're all of a sudden worth listening to now? Is the progressive left that desperate and pathetic?

Internationalism is getting rejected all over the world, and the Robert Taft and John Birch conservatives, who have been proven to have been right on pretty much everything from day one, are getting back their rightful places, as the Rockefeller,Nixon,Buckley, Bush, Romney, McCain, Graham, Kristol, etc......globalist internationalist liberal version of "conservatism" is getting soundly rejected more and more by the people every day, just like the leftist progressivism/communism and Talmudic Frankfurt Institute anti-Christian propaganda is also being soundly rejected.

All over Europe, where they've suffered from the disastrous forced mass immigration of muslim and african migration, and the attack on Christianity and their cultures from these European Union leftist scum, they are now finally fighting back in Hungary, Poland, and now even Austria is coming to her senses.

I actually felt a little sorry for this little Dante fellow when I noticed a few weeks ago that he had posted one of his silly little pointless threads where he ends up talking to himself and trying to prove a point by providing a link to some far left site like Salon or Daily KO's or some other far left lunatic fringe place, and I notice he had posted around 8pm on NEW YEARS EVE. Kid, let me try and help you. If you're posting silly political opinions on a site that for the most part is visited by degenerate sports gamblers, and it's 8pm on New Years Eve, you need a F-ing life, and fast.