Originally posted on 12/31/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by reigle9 View Post
you guys drink too much
Not all of us.. I'm sober now.. Gotta put on the brakes.. Discipline is key to everything in life.

- You eat too much you get fat have health issues and die young..

- You gamble to much, you go broke, lose everything and end up in GA or worse..

- You drink to much and your liver gets ruined and spotted, you are a nobody to loved ones because you are a drunk... Same with drugs and even weed..

Vices my friends - control them what ever they are as you do know them when you look in mirror.. Don't let them control you and learn to say no to yourself.. Don't be reckless..

Live for the next day and not just today.. Let it go if you crave it.... That is the key and it's a fine line in life... Don't cross it and be tough and be true to yourself and your future.. You know!!!... Control it and don't let it control you...