Originally posted on 10/30/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by milwaukee mike View Post
we're now up to 5 mysteriously dead survivors

hazardous to your health to tell the truth and say there were multiple shooters on the ground



The logistics and physics of this event... clearly shows it's impossible for a single 64 year old man to pull off.

But let the people continue to be blind.

I will shut my mouth now... I don't want the CIA to write me off.

Hey man nice shot....

I wish I would've met you
Now it's a little late
What you could've taught me
I could have saved some face
They think that your early ending
Was all wrong
For the most part they're right
But look how they all got strong

That's why I say hey man, nice shot
What a good shot man
A man
Has gun
Hey man
Have fun
Nice shot

Now that the smoke's gone
And the air is all clear
Those who were right there
Got a new kind of fear
You'd fight and you were right
But they were just too strong
They'd stick it in your face
And let you smell what they consider wrong