Originally posted on 10/02/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
Gambling is also an obvious problem.. we all should think about why we do it. What are we after? What's the goal? Entertainment you can afford here or there.. or is it something we absolutely live for. How important are all these games, sports, and casinos to us... well, the devil not only stole all his money and time in casinos but he will have a miserable end. Then these people's lives snatched from them, sad. i hope they believed in Jesus. i hope everyone gets to know Him. Life's to short.
Alcohol is no different then gambling, all in moderation and control you are good, out of control you are not and probably on a fast track to your own destruction.......

Just about anything in life that you lose control over and abuse can become dangerous and self destructive.. Sex, all drugs, alcohol, gambling, over eating, you name it, if you are out of control then good luck with that..