Originally posted on 08/23/2017:

No one commenting on Trumps snowflaking speech last night?

Me Me Me, I I I. Whaaaa, the press is picking on me! Whaaa, some mean guys from the state are picking on me!
McConnell this, McConnell that.

Everyone saying drain the swamp! Dumb fuks, you voted the swamp back in!

Tell me how a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth, given everything he's asked for, given millions of bucks
to get started in life, never manually worked a day in his life, is for the working man?

Filled his cabinet with the rich of the rich who were probably silver spooners themselves, fukked their employees
out of healthcare and whatever else they could, is for the working man?

Wonder if any of that swamp missed a bill to pay for another? How about skimping on meals to save for a car?

Yeah, everyone in that swamp is for the working man. You people have been suckered, duped, taken for a ride.

Rant over.