Originally posted on 08/01/2017:

Originally Posted by dlowilly
Heavy handed girl power fiction. A lot of it wasn't even in the books if I'm not mistaken. Becomes insulting
Quote Originally Posted by Andy117 View Post
That's rather vague.
Ok let me be specific:

Strong women (sure to be misspellings)

Cercei- Queen of the Iron Throne and shrewd, cunning, tactical leader that always finds a way to get revenge or whatever else she wants.

Daenaerys Targarean- Bold young woman who is very sure of herself and has faith in her leadership abilities as do many others. She was the chosen one, not her brother who was killed when liquid gold was poured on his head. She can't be burnt and has 3 pet dragons.

Sansa Stark- Was raped and defiled on her wedding night but of course avenged that by letting Ramsay's dogs eat him alive. Very sure of herself and smarter than everyone else in the north

Brienne of Tarth- Rivals any man in battle and beat the shit of the Hound and Jamie Lannister. Honorable and honest

Arya Stark- Barely 5'0 100 lbs but is the greatest assassin in the 7 kingdoms and can grab and control a man with one hand (Walder Frey) so she can slit his throat.

Yara Greyjoy- Aggressive, talented leader who has earned the respect of her father and his men as the heir. Sure she got captured but was delivered to Cercei, not a guy

Olenna Tyrell- Matriarch of the Tyrells who out thinks all her male adversaries and scoffs at their ridiculousness and inferiority. Even when her house is destroyed by the Lannister army she tricks Jamie into giving her a painless death and gets the last laugh when she tells him she poisoned his son.

Ellaria Sand- Sure she's evil but she's beautiful, vengeful and determined. Her luck runs out eventually but once again it's Cercei who takes care of that.


Eddard Stark- So naively ethical he got his head cut off

Jaime Lannister- Has one hand

Tyrion Lannister- A dwarf

Theon Greyjoy- Got his dick cut off

Jon Snow- Even though it's hinted he is something more he is known by everyone as a bastard

The Hound- Pisses his pants around fire

Varys- Missing the pillar and stones

Greyworm- Also missing his junk

Samwell Tarly- Fat boy who takes care of an inbred girl and her (but not his) child like a cuck, and she doesn't even give him any

Petyr Baelish- Strongly hinted that although he has his parts, they are miniature (Littlefinger)