Originally posted on 08/17/2017:

"Some random person somewhere said they wanted to burn white people's houses down".

Who the fukk cares? It's natural to get angry with other races. I wanted to commit a hate crime every time I got a bad tip at my restaurant. Then I got over it.

I'm 100% okay with me, you, or anyone else disliking other races for some of the shit they do. It's natural human emotion and you're dumb as shit if you think you're ever going to stop natural human emotion from occurring.

And the best part is -- none of this makes you racist! This is the biggest weapon of the leftists -- your fear of being labeled one. They've taken it upon themselves to be the ones who decide if you are or not. Fukk them, it doesn't work that way. Shit-eating children, all of them. Take that weapon away from them, and they have nothing.