Originally posted on 07/06/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by BriGuy View Post
Obamacare is a perfect example. It's health insurance for everyone. Who would oppose such a thing? Only hateful bigots!!

Of course, liberals fail to realize how the system is completely unsustainable in the long run and will do more harm than good. Obamacare is a complete disaster for our country, but it sure does sound good on a bumper sticker.
You don't realize this is the only thing Obama could pass because a bunch of crooked cok suckers who have socialize medicine tricked u dumb fuks into thinking this was a bad idea for America. This is why Liberals get mad. They know how easily some of u dumb fuks get fooled and it ruins progress. You look at other countries and how their health system works but u brain dead jackasses think ours is better because some fuk who has socialize medicine (politician) is telling u that. That is what liberals get pissed off about. They know full well the only reason Republicans hate Obama care is because it forces the super rich to pay a little more for it and that is it in a nutshell. I know u are to stupid to know that because right wing shit news doesn't explain this to you. Liberals get made because climate change is coming and a two year old should know it, but a bunch of crooked fuks on the right bought by the Oil Companies, found one scientist in the world to agree with them. Stem cell was coming but the right pandering to their base slowed up all kinds of progress. Liberals know these things and know u fuks can be fool to believe anything as long as these far right assholes all stay on point with their message. That is why Liberals get mad chief.