Originally posted on 05/28/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
Trump is the Man of the People not because someone said it but because he won the working class vote by a record 70% to 30%. Even higher than Reagan who was the last Man of the People.

I don't think Joe 6pack is going to relate with a Hollywood elite who has no idea the midwest even exists much less cares. Clooney is a typical save the planet, no borders, America last and hug a terrorist guy. A huge Hilary supporter for good reason.
Right, the billionaire Donald Trump, whose entire fortune was made on luxury high-rises and taking money from the middle class in his casinos, is a man of the people. OK bro.

You really can't just see things for what they are? You're that brainwashed? I feel bad for you man.

Donald Trump treated the election exactly how he would treat the marketing of a new product. He identified the demographic he would need to win (working middle class, veterans, etc.) and pandered to them.

I literally could not hand-pick a more elitist person in the world than Donald Trump, yet he convinced you people that he is "on your side" just by talking, and not actually doing anything.

It's truly one of the greatest illusions in the history of mankind. And I would say the same thing about Obama pandering to "change." You people just eat up whatever you agree with, no matter where it comes from. It's embarrassing.