Originally posted on 04/23/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
Those similar goals went out the window when your boys in congress said fuk America when Obama was elected
in the middle of our worst recession in history. All I hear out of you is noise when you talk about us wanting
him to fail. He's undoing everything Obama has done to dig us out of the hole and you want us to say good job
Trumpy boy? Sorry.
Obama did not want economic growth either. The regulation Trump is unwinding was strangling our economy.

You are admitting you don't want economic growth as some kind of payback. Sadly bizarre. It's not just you. I know quite a few libs that want everything Trump does to improve the economy opposed because they think it will hurt the dems in 2018 and 2020.

One point to your post because I know that is a popular dem talking point. Obama entered the presidency in 2008 with both houses controlled by dems. He never compromised or negotiated, maybe he was incapable. Republicans wanted easy stuff like keystone, border protection, corp tax reform, ect. Stop blaming republicans. The republicans stood up against Obamacare and tax hikes because they were wildly unpopular as the historic ass pounding the dems took in 2010 attest to. The republicans didnt twist his arm and tell him to put a ton of terrible policies up. Let's not rewrite history from the dem talking points.