Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=26910710'>posted</a> on 04/16/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
You probably watch it more than me, so I'll defer to you as the authority. But the few times I've watched it, they propagate fear and create division amongst Americans.

In fact, when glenn beck left the network, he stated that his one regret was how divisive his program was and the network in general but thats what he was there to do.

If that doesn't scare you, that a major network actively works to create division amongst Americans, then I don't know what would
They all do it. CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the left outlets divide, and propagate fear just as much. Fox just happens to be the one damn outlet that is rightwing. I don't know. I'm really moderate, but if picking then Republican obviously.

Fox does have some fear behind it, but it's really more of stating what happened. Then opinions from people on both sides, but most importantly those who have actually been in war. They do talk a lot about stories that aren't much, but who doesn't? The left has Russia, Spicer, Bannon, and whatever they think Trump messed up. Fox has whatever the Trump administration does, and talks about what happened, then debates with both sides.

I do enjoy Fox, can't lie. It's repetitive though. Plus, Kristin Fisher is my girl, along with Lisa Boothe, Maria, Abby Hunstman, Kristin Tate, etc. They have some beauties. Tate isn't all that intelligent, but the rest do well.

As for Beck, no comment besides he's a joke. Anti Trump from the start, and rids of Tomi because she's pro-life. Why doesn't the left have her back?

I think we're on the same page really in a way. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your day man.