Originally posted on 02/14/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post

Illegals cost $100B/yr (they don't, it's actually more but I'm helping you just to prove the math isn't on your side at all)
Since we are doing a math class. Just want to know if this is gross or net?

Is the $300B/yr tax that "illegals" pay into the system ,of which they can not and will not ever get or see, factored into that figure?

And before you go off and quote some "fake news" that they are all on welfare and draining the system.,,Get your facts straight first.

No non-US CITIZEN can claim welfare. And all the SSI they pay and will never claim at retirement or even if injured on the job claim disability.

I could go on and on about what they do pay ,,or at least their employer pays..They never see a dime of it. Including filing tax returns.

But let me save you the rant,. I already know what BS stats you are going to throw at me. Save IT.

FACT: If ALL "illegals" were to leave the US TODAY!,,,the US economy would tank. PERIOD.

Go ask the Idaho Dairy farmers,,,or better yet ,,,When Mexico has had enough of Trumps Wall BS, and decides to buy Brazilian/Argentina corn..........The mid-west red states that voted his azz in will then be fuck3d.

again just some math for ya/