Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=26763455'>posted</a> on 02/04/2017:

But as for the privilege stuff. First of all, using the word privilege is stupid and immediately sets the wrong tone for both sides. Should I feel guilty that my parents weren't flat broke when they decided to have kids? No. Do I understand that certain people are born at a disadvantage because their parents are stupid? Yes.

I acknowledge there is a problem, and I know plenty of people who I've felt are far too stupid to have kids yet they pop them out every other year. They've tasked themselves with 3 or 4 kids yet their work experience consists of McDonald's and Wendy's, they dropped out of high school, they have no car, and they blow all their money on alcohol and try to act like they're still 17.

Is this an issue a NBA coach should tackle? No, go draw up a play.