Originally posted on 12/08/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by hot cuisine View Post
What's the 4unit NFL play tonight?
this post is why IC gets a BAD REP...
you dont' know need to follow his football, find another capper for other sports..i've been saying this for years, the golden rule for IC is: JUST FOLLOW HIS NBA AND NCAAB...everyone on here bitchin is cuz they break the golden rule....HOW DOES EVERYONE NOT KNOW THIS BY NOW?!?? BLOWS MY MIND, use your head guys, using IC doesn't have to be a one stop shop for all sports... there is money to be made off of IC...just need the discipline, which i get most gamblers don't have...

Yes, he's hurt me in nba this year, but is ncaab has been great overall, and has won ncaab/nba 5 years in a row!! he sucks at all other sports, ESPECIALLY football