Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=26562215'>posted</a> on 11/17/2016:

For real now..

Hey Kid,

Hope I don't sound offensive to you, just trying to help, I observed something tonight and decided to run a little experiment and want your permission to post the results here

From what I've seen past weeks you are a monstrous capper, but just seems like these last minute plays are ruining your results more than helping, for instance, today you trowed 6 last minute plays that I gatter:

Georgetown 1h -13 $100 (L)
Louisville 1h -9 $100 (L)
Louisville -16 $100 (L)
Davidson 1h u70.5 $100 (L)
Oregon 1h -7 $500 (P)
Louisville -13.5 2h $2000 (L)

The results for today (except for those plays) were positive, don’t know how much exactly, capy can help me here maybe, but you lost 2.4k on last minutes plays, easily that could've been 3 dimes, tough man

I'm officially asking your permission to track ur results with and without those plays, if you're ok, I'll do it, hell, it might even benefit you as a capper

For this experiment I'm gonna mark as a last minute any play placed within less than one hour before the game and/or live plays made on any games

If you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know, I won't publish the results if you don't want me to, I can even PM them to you

BTW, did some drunk bet today also, which lost, just much smaller, but feeling the guilt

Thanks for the picks again!