Originally posted on 11/10/2016:

No kidding. No one protested in the streets when Obama won. I didn't like Obama but when he won he was my president and I wanted him to do well for my country.

The idiot on CNN (Van Jones) said this is "Whitelash" voting for Trump....and he asked how he would explain it to his children.

First of all, when a lot of African-Americans voted for Obama just because he was black, I didn't start calling people racists. I didn't riot in the streets. He won fair and square and I accepted it.

Not as many African-Americans turned out to vote for Clinton....why isn't that racist? If people didn't want Trunp to win, they should have got off their ass and voted.

Second of all, how is Van Jones going to explain this to his children???? How in the hell would we explain Hillary Clinton to our children?

Hillary let people die in Benghazi and broke the law. Her husband got a blowjob in the Oval Office, had several affairs, and she is supposed to be a champion for women's rights? Lmao. This is the same lady that criticizes what Trump says and then invites Jay-Z to her events. The same lady that destroyed women that came forward toward her husband for sexual assault. Give me a break.

Both candidates were flawed and I didn't like either one. Trump won because America is pissed off. People that actually work are sick of footing the bill for immigrants that come here illegally and lazy asses that live off the government. That's what happened.

I'm for helping people that need it. Not the lazy looking for government handouts.

I'm for "legal" immigration, not just letting people out in.

Anyway, what has Trump said that is racist exactly? He is a pig but I'm not sure he is a racist.

What Van Jones said on CNN was irresponsible. It just gets people fired up and adds gas to the fire with all these protests and riots.

Trump won. Instead of taking to the streets people could do a lot better with their time. Do these people not have jobs? Do they have nothing better to do?

Democrats should blame their own party for electing the only person on the planet Trump could beat. Instead they'll play the victim card like always.