Originally posted on 11/06/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by relaaxx View Post
this is what we need. Mr. KLC is right.

We'll never get it, but we really need Congressional term limits

2 terms for everyone, seems better. state goverment also. no one can run for office while in a different office. go home once in a while.

once you are in the senate or house on the floor , no communications with the outside world, lobbyists.
The funny thing is that the people have the power to institute these term limits by voting these leeches out, but I think that we are so out of touch with what they are doing in Washington because we are so consumed with our own lives, or are just too lazy to pay attention. The path of least resistance is just to vote for who you know, or have heard of.

This is a case where it is needed for the government to step in, and fix the problem themselves, but it won't happen because the "problems" are the current government.