Originally posted on 10/14/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by Greget View Post
WTF is madworldnews.com?

It's now up to 12 different women, and these accusations have been around for decades, and it jives with the tape of trump admitting he does just what he has been accused of.
I have first hand knowledge of Trump's evil behavior around women. Over 40 years ago at a top singles bar
in NYC Trump & I were at our usual vantage point of the big horseshoe type bar both eyeballing two females,
one of them motioned with her finger for me to come over to where she was & Trump thought she meant for
him to come to meet. So we both went over to the left hand of the horseshoe & Trump pervert that you all
deem him to be had the nerve to put his arm around the girl without her consent, the nerve of him. Then all four of
us were friendly chatting away Trump came out with a question I'll always remember. "Dan & I were having an
arguement I think you girls can settle, who is the best looking?' I'll always remember because the girl who motioned
me over to her space said to Trump 'Well you're OK but he's dynamite"

I knew Trump well for about 3 years, before anyone ever heard of his name, then I married my first wife & left
the singles scene though he was the biggest braggart I ever came across he was a great guy & very responsive
to women yet never stepped over the line.

Probably him initially putting his arm around the women of this episode was something not unusual for him or me
in say 1970, but if a Clinton Crime Associate ever came across her & gave her a nice sum of change, the story
could easily morph into another women outing Trump for something sinister. What a load of crap Clinton accomplices
are feeding & it's amazing that a certain proportion of the public is senseless enough to buy into pure nonsense!