Originally posted on 09/13/2016:

Feel like I should clarify as some of you guys might actually take this shit seriously.

1) prednisone, methylsprednisone are steroids but are anything but performance enhancing type of steroids.

The type of performance enhancing steroids everyone is thinking of are hormonal steroids. While prednisone, methylprednsione are minercorticoids. There is a big difference. Minercorticoids have no effect on enhancing testosterone. If anything, taking minercorticoids could make you retain water and heavier, there by making you slower and more lethargic. They can also cause muscle atrophy after prolonged use.

I think, and this is just my professional opinion. These girls have been playing pro tennis since their teens. They both likely have early osteoarthritis and probably need recurrent short courses of steroids just to wake up without shooting pain every day of their life. Either that or they have some asthma.

Either way, this is such a non-story it's ridiculous, at least as far as the Williams sisters are concened.