Originally posted on 08/16/2016:

Good morning,

Needless to say we have had some good luck lately and have been on a good run. I have done this a long time and I know the "pendulum" swings back and forth. Though I am always confident in my plays, this is a game of inches and good money management is the key to success. I am not being a pessimist, but just a realist.

Having said that, here is a quick review of the year so far:

Total of all plays: 400-285
Total Regular Plays: 104-69 Plus 25.95 units
Total of Reliever Plays: 296-216 Plus 51 units based on average line of -113.5

Total units combined: Plus 76.95 Units @ 1 unit per play, 58.4% over 685 Plays