Originally posted on 08/14/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by Triple_D_Bet View Post
The problem with that approach is that you can't wipe an idea off the face of the earth. Groups like ISIS can only receive the support they do because people see it as the only way to fight back against the US and other Western powers. If you want to end a group like ISIS, it's simple: stop terrorizing the people of the Middle East and let them live their lives. When they realize they're in control of their own destiny, they'll have no place for groups like ISIS. Any other strategy is just a repeat of what we've done for the last 60+ years...and why would we expect different results?

I looked at Trumps statements on foreign policy...his claim to dismantle Iran's terror network, end Pakistani support for terrorism, try to engage in chest-thumping with Russia, put troops on the ground in Syria; these aren't the statements of a guy who wants peace, and they contradict his claims to want peace. It's another area where he makes contradictory claims and has no plans to achieve what he claims to want. Looking at any one of his claims, you can find something to support...but only if you ignore the rest of his claims. His incoherent foreign policy might technically be better than Clinton (who has proven she knows how to conduct a terrible one), but without specific plans, Trump would likely continue the status quo.

If it was only the two of them, and there was no possible way for me to signal that they're both unacceptable by voting for someone else, I'd probably go with Trump...on the assumption that he's more likely to bicker with Congress on things and keep them too busy to interfere with our lives as much as they otherwise would. However, that's not the case, and far better options exist, especially if you're in a state where the electoral college makes your vote mean less
Your first paragraph I agree with mostly....To me it's either go all in and destroy ISIS completely or back away 100% now....The half ass stuff we're doing now is good for nobody. With either of my 2 options it would be no more Middle East involvement as quickly as possible

We made this ISIS mess so we better destroy it...just my view but I see where you're coming from

I don't know about all that with Trump but I'll look into it. I am just talking specifically about his one foreign policy speech that was about an hour long. Good stuff and refreshing to hear a candidate admit that these wars are a joke. Maybe he is contradicting himself in some of the things he said I'll go back when I have time to check

Fair enough about Trump...I probably like him more than you but atleast we both share the same views on Hillary. She's the worst. Many of us want the government out of our lives but voting for Hillary all but guarantees that won't be happening any time soon. She is the poster child for the status quo with all of this bullshit we don't need. Good luck getting anything worthwhile passed with her. If a big corporation is against it no fukkin chance, and there always is.