Originally posted on 08/11/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
Well that's another beast all in itself..

I mean you really gotta be a complete fool as a President of any Country to let in these Syrian refugees not expecting this kind of behavior to happen.. This is what upsets me the most about the Hillary administration wanting to let in more Syrian refugees just to please the humanitarian efforts and her own party and reputation.. SO STUPID and on so many levels..
Only time I think I could ever take pleasure in looking a man in the eyes and blowing the brains out of the back of his head... Or strangle one and watch the air deplete from his lungs... Would hope one tries to rape something around me, I promise one in the hospital on a icu unit..or in a body bag.

crap dogs... I won't stand for it, line up 20 of them grabbing on a woman, I'll light the whole damn crowd on fire.