Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=25991664'>posted</a> on 07/10/2016:

I found the story.

Randy came in and we started serving at 1 o'clock. About three minutes after one, I was carving some beef up for a couple of the players and all of the sudden I heard all this racket and looked up and sure enough it was Randy Moss.

You're not on satellite are you? … To clean it up, I guess, he said, "What's this crap?" He said, "I wouldn't feed this blank to my dog." He was very loud. Everybody that was in the room heard it. He didn't eat. One of the guys, I did hear somebody say, "Randy, shut up," whatever. But that was about it. It was very quiet and that was about the extent of my run-in with him. I was not right next to him or anything but, boy, he sure made enough noise.
I've heard that he went back to his locker and said something to the effect that he doesn't need to eat that crap when he's got as much money as he has.